Astral Engine was created by Victor Chen and me for the video game engines subject. The main goal was to code our own OpenGL based 3D game engine with C++ from scratch using some external libraries like Assimp and ImGui.
The idea behind this subjet apart from learning how 3D game engines work, was to make by pairs a game engine powerful enough so that, by merging the best parts of every engine, the whole class as a single team could develop a videogame. At the end Broken Engine was born, using Astral Engine's skeletal animation system.
- Programmed scene serialization by saving and loading the scene using JSON.
- Development of the Resource Manager, components and every propietary file format.
- Programmed space partition using quadtrees.
- Animation component, bone parenting, animation interpolation and blending.
Project information
- My Roles: Programmer
- Team Size: 2
- Year: 2019
- GitHub: link