This video game was created by Joan Barduena and me for the Artificial Intelligence subject, which goal was to create an enviroment with diferent types of agents, each one of them with their own paths and routes to simulate the basics an ecosystem of behaviours. We used steering behaviours for the movement of the agents and behaviour trees to design their behaviours.
BurgerDreams is a God Game made using Unity where the player is in charge of managing a fast food restaurant. The goal of the game is to improve the restaurant (capacity, numbers of waitress) so that all clients leave the restaurant satisfied.
- Programmed steering behaviours of characters with obstacle avoidance.
- Developed all the behaviour trees for all the characters using Node Canvas.
- Programmed a queue manager to simulate customers waiting to order.
- Creation of the main scene.
Project information
- My Roles: Designer and Programmer
- Team Size: 2
- Year: 2019
- GitHub Web: BurgerDreams